• Project Name: I-485 Outer Loop
  • Location: I-485 Outer, Charlotte, NC 28216, USA
  • Duration: 5 Years
  • Project Type: Civil ConstructionPublicRoadways
  • Status: Complete

I-485 Outer Loop

This $140 million construction project completed the entire 67-mile I-485 Loop

This $140 million construction project completed the entire 67-mile I-485 Loop, an important corridor for local and regional travel in and around Charlotte, NC.  The work consisted of a new eight-lane section of I-485 from west of N.C. 115 (Old Statesville Road) to east of I-85. This 5.7-mile section links I-77 to I-85, relieving congestion on neighboring surface streets.

Project Highlights

  • Completed the final section of I-485 from west of N.C. 115 to east of I-85.
  • Completed the I-485/N.C. 115 interchange.
  • Extended Alexanderana Road from N.C. 115 to connect with Eastfield Road.
  • Constructed a new bridge to carry Browne Road over I-485.
  • Constructed a split diamond interchange at Prosperity Church Road. This design allows traffic to exit I-485 onto a one-way service road connected to three separate streets through a series of roundabouts.
  • Replaced the existing bridge carrying Mallard Creek Road over I-85 to accommodate the new on and exit ramps connecting I-85 to the new interchange.